Books by James S. Reiley

Abe and the Institute for Higher Awareness: Book 3 in the Abe series

In this third novel of the Abe series, Abe and Lakshmi spend their time and considerable fortune creating a school to teach humans how to raise their consciousness. The two reincarnated Tibetan masters have dedicated themselves to making the world a better place. Their efforts involve forays into manifestation, esoteric psychology, meditation, reincarnation, mind-altering substances, astrology, and clairvoyance. As usual, there is a backdrop of planetary ecology and environmental advocacy, as well as warnings about the dangers of genetic engineering.

Abe and Genetic Engineering: Book 2 in the Abe series

Abe, a former Tibetan Master, is reincarnated this time around to make sure that Nature Spirits become better known to humankind. Nature Spirits include fairies, gnomes, and fauns.

Abe is an extremely precocious child whose many past lives have given him the wisdom he needs for the task.

After his success with the Nature Spirits in the last book of this series, Abe and the Wee Folk, Abe is given the further task of building a DNA simulator to alert the world to the dangers of unregulated genetic engineering.

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Abe and the Wee Folk: Book 1 in the Abe series

Abe is an extremely precocious child who has been reincarnated from many past lives as a Tibetan Buddhist Master. His mission is to introduce nature spirits – including fairies, gnomes, and fauns – to humanity.

To gain credibility, Abe must get highly educated very quickly in mathematics and ecology. He is aided in his quest by many beings in the physical plane and elsewhere.

Will he succeed and change minds?

This Eastern metaphysical story involving nature spirits opens new worlds of possibilities.

Notes the author, “I have tried to present the reality of the nature spirits that coexist with us and everything we do. It is these beings to which we are indebted for the sustaining management of this world. This includes directed growth of plants, animals, and even all matter that surrounds us.”

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After the Death of Me

Reina is smart, irreverent, and wise beyond her years. At age sixteen, she dies. Shortly after seeing her physical body buried, Reina enters the astral world and meets her higher self. Her life just lived is reviewed instantly in detail.

Afterward, she is led to a brightly lit city where Reina meets some of her family and friends, now all deceased, and her pal, Omar, who assists in her astral travels. Reina relearns her skills as an astral agent to help others in a variety of situations, both on the physical and astral planes. These acts of benefit, sometimes dangerous, are instigated and supervised by her teacher and guru, Master Eli.

Reina attends a class taught by Eli designed to increase her awareness and spiritual evolution. She then discovers her soul mate, Ian, who has been dead for five years. Ian was a monk in his past life and is a gifted guitar player. Reina is also a musician, so they share their love of music.

At the end of their time on the astral plane, Reina and Ian plan out the lives to be experienced for their next incarnation. They proceed thereafter to the mental plane for suspected years of blissful existence.

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Strategic Book Publishing